ITC STORE X Fashiontech Timelapsed Exhibition

(From left: Ms. Jackie Leung, Dr Lushan (Sarina) Sun, and Dr Tsai-chun Huang)

Fashiontech TImelapsed Exhibition

Exhibition Period: 18 JUN  - 30 SEP 2021

FashionTech Timelapsed is a physical and online exposition jointly organized by the ITC Store and Fashion Gallery. It is developed to present and demystify the evolution of fashion technology from traditional hands-on craftsmanship to emerging digital methods. FashionTech Timelapsed forms a dialogue about the essence of the ever-changing technologies in product development for both the designer and the wearer through a storytelling approach. It features three groups of selected textile designs from ITC scholars, Dr Lushan (Sarina) Sun, Ms Jackie Leung, and Dr Tsai-chun Huang. Each group represents a technology genre that reveals textile design processes, material behavioural manipulations, and fabrication methods.


The event highlights the complementary natures between the seemingly dichotomous fashion technologies in traditional and modern design environments. Ultimately, it aims to raise awareness of the potential advantages, challenges, and impacts of the wide range of fashion technology integrations in the modern industry. As a part of the exposition, a series of complimentary webinars/workshops are developed to provide further discussion and education on fashion technology with students, experts, and industry professionals.